Our Story

Our story begins with two individuals, who were once lost, then found their life purpose through Christ Jesus. They committed their lives to serve God by bringing the gospel to the nations, especially to youth. In 2004, after a season of prayer and confirmation, Andy and Betty answered God’s call and uprooted their family from the US to Taiwan. As missionaries, they partnered with a local church in Taipei to serve college kids. During their first two years in the mission field, Andy had many opportunities to share the gospel in rural Taiwan and on local college campuses. In 2006, they established a youth ministry, brought people to Christ, and equipped them through discipleship. Many lives were transformed, and some of these former youth are now in full-time ministry. In 2017, Andy and Betty felt the Lord’s call to start a global ministry to bring purpose, hope, and healing to youth.  When depression, suicide, stress, and brokenness are like a thick dark cloud hovering over many youth, Why Me Ministries is here to bring hope and light through Jesus, who came so we can live an abundant life from now until eternity.


What We Believe

Our Vision

Our Team