Our Team
Why Me Ministries is the culmination of God’s call on Andy and Betty’s lives. Since the start of their marriage, God has used them to minister as Bible teachers, college and young adult leaders and mentors, missionaries, intercessors, and prophetic voices. In the past more than two decades of ministry, Andy and Betty have witnessed God expanding their influences from the local church to the mission field in Taiwan, to parachurch organizations, and even the business sector as entrepreneurs. Now, God is launching them globally through the Why Me Ministries to reach the lost and equip the saints with Christ’s all-sufficient love.
Andy Kao
Founder / President
Andy’s story began with a dramatic conversion that completely changed his life: he was instantly healed of chronic back pain through a pastor’s prayer. Being a spiritually apathetic college student, such an instantaneous and complete healing ignited Andy’s desire to know Jesus Christ. Since then, his passion for lost souls and spending alone time with God have resulted in his effectiveness in evangelism and leading others to intercessory prayer. Andy desires to equip Christian young adults to become influential kingdom builders.
Betty Kao
Founder / Vice President
Betty came to know her Creator as her Father and intimate friend since childhood. She has a close relationship with God and that is the foundation and emphasis in all her ministries. She served the Lord for 30+ years and is known for her gifts in teaching and no-nonsense counseling. She is also known as one who impacts lives with life. Her passion is to see generations of young people rise and be equipped, flourish, and grow together into maturity in Christ. It gives Betty great joy to see young people discover their purpose in life and then walk into God’s calling.
Tsai-Ling Huang
Worship Leader
Tsai-Ling is gifted in music, and her anointing in worship leading often brings people into God’s sweet presence. She brings her gift to Why Me Ministry as our worship leader and trainer. Her passion is for people to encounter God through worship, thus being freed from their sins and bondages. She rejoices in seeing people experiencing breakthroughs in their lives and entering the fullness of God’s promises.
Lan-Chen Pao
Director of Children and Youth Ministry
A journalist by training, Lan-Chen came face to face with God in her 20s. Lan-Chen is a wife, homeschool teacher to four, Sunday school teacher, mentor to many believers, and a budding apologist. Since Jesus Christ captured her heart years ago Lan-Chen’s life mission has been to serve her family and church by exhibiting through her life the truth of God’s existence, his searing holiness, and breathtaking mercy.
Grace Zhou Seo
Grace grew up under the care and influence of her great-grandma, who became a believer through American missionaries in the 1920s. The seed of gospel was long planted in her heart, and she later received Jesus as her Savior in college. This personal encounter brought her profound healing, inner renewal, and a meaning to life. Grace desires to bring people to Christ, to be God’s faithful servant and fulfill God’s glorious calling in her life.
Daniel Seo
IT Support
Matthew Ho
Worship Team
Joy Yang